Hi, I’m Bethany, an experienced Coach, Speaker and Facilitator

I help people working in the Charity Sector to overcome burnout and charities to build healthier, more sustainable working cultures.

The people I work with are often leaders, fundraisers or founders, who find that their desire to make a difference and the challenges they face along the way can put them at risk of burnout.

I help people understand the root causes of their challenges and learn new ways of working, rather than fix the symptoms short-term.

Together, we can ensure well-being is a priority while amplifying postive and sustainable impact in the charity sector.

I am dedicated to creating a healthier, more sustainable Charity Sector.

It is possible to make a difference while looking after yourself.

Who I work with…

About Awen Coaching

Founded in 2020, Awen Coaching has now supported over 60 individuals, across 45 organisations, through 500+ hours of coaching and facilitation.

Through effective coaching and training, individuals and organisations overcome burnout, improve team resilience, and formulate clear, mission-aligned objectives, and strategic growth plans.

By working with me, leadership skills are enhanced, work-life balance is redesigned, and self-awareness grows. Ultimately, the result is a more resilient, motivated, and efficient organisation, ready to make a sustainable impact in the charity sector whilst prioritising the well-being and development of people who make it all possible.