Top 5 Ways to Clear your Mind at the End of the Week.

I’ve worked with many clients over the years who say they struggle to switch off at the end of their work day or work week. And I’ve been there myself.

Does this sound familiar to you? Are you thinking about upcoming deadlines, everything that needs to be done and upcoming meetings, during your evenings and weekends?

Firstly, why is it so important to switch off from work? Well, taking time to focus your energy on things other than work can provide you with clarity and put life into perspective. After all, why live to work? How about we work to live, really LIVE?

So, here are my Top 5 Ways to Clear your Mind at the End of the Week:

1. Celebrate - big and small wins.
Write that LinkedIn post, message your colleagues or share with your partner, friends or family.

2. Reflect on learnings.
Take a moment over a cup of tea to think through what this week has taught you.

3. Tidy up (physically and digitally).
Organise and save your work so it’s easy for you to come back to it next week. Then take 5 minutes to clear your desk.

4. Plan for next week.
Update your digital to-do lists, plan tasks for Monday and record a voice note of what you’d like your Monday morning self to know.

5. Switch off and recharge.
This goes for your technology as much as it does for yourself. How often do we actually properly switch off? Try it this weekend and see how you feel come Monday.

Ensuring we properly switch off from work is for the betterment of your health and your relationships with loved ones. It also allows you to have a sustainable impact without burning out.

If you’ve found this helpful, please share with someone you think it’ll help today.

Woman sat at her desk wearing a yellow jumper, her arms are in the air as if celebrating the end of her working week.

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